Belkyra: reduction of Double Chin without Surgery

Reduccion de papada con Belkyra en Valencia

¿What is BELKYRA®?

BELKYRA® is a compound formed by deoxycholic acid, which is also found in our body, and whose main property is that it dissolves the fat, helping the decomposition of the same and facilitating its subsequent elimination.

BELKYRA® is a nonsurgical treatment approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and by the Spanish Agency of Medicines (AEMPS), that is injected to destroy the fat cells under the chin or the jowls that appear due to aging, lifestyle or genetic predisposition. which generally does not decrease with exercise or diet. The chin reduction treatment with BELKYRA® is not intended for significant weight loss but for treating the double chin, an area known to be resistant to diet and exercise.

BELKYRA® has been developed to improve the appearance of the neck area for those with excess fat in the area under the chin or the jowls, specifically the fat in front of the superficial muscles of the neck. BELKYRA® attacks the membrane of fatty cells that produce adipolysis.

Candidates for fat reduction in Chin without Surgery

Dr. Terrén es especialista en Belkyra por Allergan

BELKYRA® is a good treatment to eliminate or reduce jowls or fat under the chin, for those adults with a healthy weight and without excess flaccidity in the area and seeking a non-surgical treatment to remove persistent fat underneath of the chin. The best candidates have a better shade and less laxity in the skin, although BELKYRA® is useful in most patients with extra fat regardless of age.

This treatment, which does not require any type of surgery, has the advantage over liposuction of is not a surgical operation and does not require anesthesia or postoperative care as compression garments.

However, skin tone, amount of fat and patient expectations are the main determinants to choose which is the best procedure.

As with any treatment, the best option to know if you are a good candidate is to go to a specialist trained in BELKYRA® by Allergan, which will assess the suitability of this.



BELKYRA® The treatment that removes the Fat under the Chin

Aplicación de Belkyra para reducir la grasa en papada o doble mentón

The application of the BELKYRA® treatment for the reduction of fat in the double chin is quite simple. After your plastic surgeon or aesthetic medicine specialist determines that you are a good candidate, local anesthesia will be applied to avoid the discomfort of treatment injections.

BELKYRA® comes with a small grid dotted to mark the injection points, which is applied to the area under the chin, marking the areas to be treated, before injecting the solution. Some patients may feel a slight burning sensation, but it is temporary.

During treatment,  BELKYRA® is injected into the fat under the skin in the neck area, just below the chin. As a consequence of the destruction of the adipocytes, there is in all cases an inflammation or swelling and small hematomas that is completely normal, and which will be more visible during the first week, being imperceptible after 4 weeks.


BELKYRA®  is a treatment that requires two to four sessions, with an interval of one month between each of them to achieve satisfactory results. However, in some cases, up to six sessions may be necessary, depending on the particular characteristics of the patient.

BELKYRA® is not a treatment or procedure that you can perform at any time, or that you must do before an important event. To promote recovery after treatment it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • Schedule treatment before the weekend, so you can rest after it.
  • It is preferable to do it in autumn or winter, since post-treatment inflammation can be more easily disguised.
  • Avoid salt and alcohol days before treatment and then to help reduce the effects of swelling.
  • Make sure you are well hydrated.
  • Apply ice to the area for the first few hours after the procedure.

After treatment with BELKYRA®, the initial swelling should decrease significantly in 48 hours, but may last up to four weeks. Some people also experience a feeling of «gelatin» or lack of firmness in the area for a few weeks. All this is normal and indicates that the treatment is working.

Many people have discovered that the side effects are lessened with subsequent treatments, because with less fat in the area, less swelling will also appear.

Does BELKYRA® improve flaccidity or lack of tone in the neck muscles?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. BELKYRA® is just a treatment to reduce subcutaneous fat under the chin. While some specialists have discovered that it provides a small tightening of the skin in the treatment area, it is not a substitute for procedures like the facelift.

BELKYRA® is ideal for those patients who have minimal excess skin and good elasticity of the skin. For patients with excess skin on the neck and poor skin elasticity, injecting BELKYRA® may actually worsen the result.

What happens to fat after treatment with BELKYRA®?

Because BELKYRA® is identical to the deoxycholic acid in your body that destroys fat cells, once the affected fat cells die, the remains of the fat cells are then removed by the immune system of your body.

How long do the results of the reduction of double chin with BELKYRA®?

As adults, we do not usually produce new fat cells, so the amount of body cells does not usually vary. That said, when we gain weight, our fat cells expand or even create new cells. Therefore, BELKYRA® will remove the fat cells under your chin, but it is advisable to maintain a healthy weight to prevent the remaining fat cells in the area from expanding.

What are the risks of BELKYRA®?

When performed by a plastic surgeon or physician who specializes in cosmetic medicine, BELKYRA® is very safe. Typical side effects include burning sensation when injected, some bruising and swelling. These are temporary and should be resolved fairly quickly.

Potential damages may appear applied outside the submental area. If a specialist leaves the treatment area approved for BELKYRA® along the jaw line, it could literally attack the marginal mandibular nerve. If the nerve is affected, it can lead to an uneven, often temporary smile.

Can BELKYRA® be used in other areas of the body?

For the time being, AEMPS has only authorized BELKYRA® to reduce and eliminate fat under the chin, although studies are underway for use on other parts of the body.

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