Displacement of Breast Implants

It accounts for only ten percent of the causes of reoperation in breast augmentation surgery over the next ten years.

It is often due to subsequent changes in the gap created by the surgeon to implant placement. This gap can widen or pocket sideways or up and down, resulting in a medial lateral (axillary) or (sinmastía), top or bottom (bottoming out). Some breast tissue too loose can cause this widening, and the lack of restraint of the breasts or the excessive weight of the implants.

Correcting this problem is usually done using materials that help us to narrow the gap breast again, placing the breast implant in a natural position. At other times breast implants may rotate in its place, changing the shape of the breast. This rotation is usually due to: a pocket too big, too active postoperative period that prevents the fixation of the implant to the surrounding breast tissue, a complication in which there is fluid in the breast cavity (hematoma or seroma).

In rotation round implants may be anteroposterior, the flat base of the prosthesis in front appearing, giving mom too round and flat appearance. In the anatomical implants may also lateral rotation, which changes the shape of the breast and produces asymmetries.

In both cases the solution is to adjust the size of the implant pocket again. This surgery may be performed in most cases on an outpatient basis. Prevention is the expert surgeon to perform a pocket close enough to hold the implant without allowing their movement. No less important it is that women continue the recovery tips that are given and for the time necessary to avoid complications.

Come to the clinic of Dr. Terrén, your specialist on displacement of breast implants in Valencia. Consult me ​​your problem and seek a better and more customized solution using the best resources available to me.

Breast prosthesis

There are several types of breast implants according to their composition, although it is now generally recognized that the best performance and durability found in silicone gel implants (semicohesivos or cohesive). They offer a more natural feel, safety and durability (estimated in decades).

The fifth generation of breast implants include a semi-solid gel that reduces the leakage of gel cover («gel bleed») and migration of silicone filled implant in his pocket that contains it, with a very low incidence of contracture capsular and the rupture of the device, and higher rates of improvement in medical safety and in the length of the implants. Among these are preformed breast implants, also called anatomical, which provide a more quality, durability, reduced complications and aesthetic improvements. Leading manufacturers in the world (three today) are accepted in the U.S. market, and have overcome complex tests of quality, durability and study of complications before being approved by the FDA (Food and DrugAdministration).

Specifically, the NATRELLE™ manufactured by Allergan, are guaranteed by the manufacturer for life and are what I recommend to my patients, round (INSPIRE) or anatomical (410 STYLE).


Currently I recommend, in most cases, the use of anatomical breast implants with a subfascial technique. In the next post you can learn more about anatomical implants.

Videos of breast augmentation

You can see a full explanation of this type of intervention through the following vídeos of breast augmentation.

A continuación te presentamos varios casos del antes y después de varias mujeres que han sido intervenidas de esta patología. 

Second Breast Surgeries